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The Idaho-Oregon Snake River Water Trail hosts events that highlight the educational and recreational opportunities provided by the Snake River corridor.  Water Trail programming is just one way we fulfill our mission of bringing the river to our communities.  We also highlight events from our partners on the Water Trail--see below for a calendar of upcoming events on and along the river! 


For more details on an event, click on its calendar link.


To submit your organization's event for our calendar, send the details to!

Featured Events on the Water Trail

2 states. 206 miles. 1 river.

The Idaho Oregon Snake River Water Trail Coalition is a 206 mile water trail along the Snake River in Southwest Idaho and Eastern Oregon for people to explore, respect and enjoy. A water trail is a water route that provides recreational and educational opportunities for motorized and non-motorized boaters and commercial opportunities for river communities. This trail begins at Three Island Crossing State Park, Idaho and ends at Farewell Bend State Park, Oregon.


Our mission:  The Idaho-Oregon Snake River Water Trail promotes river access and recreational opportunities that benefit communities, tourism and preservation of natural and cultural resources through a network of partnerships.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter


Alex Eells, Water Trail Coordinator

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